Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Not all tissues are made equally...

I have a cold.

I am very whiny when I have a stuffed nose. Rob is lucky to be away.

Thank you Wyn for the muffins. they made my throat feel better.

I am however not impressed with the bulk buy stash of Kleenex Rob bought a while ago. Now that my nose has had the pleasure of Kleenex with lotion, the regular kind is just not up to par.

And despite the commercials trying to say otherwise...toilet paper is not a good substitute for proper lotiony tissue.

Tissue technology has spoiled me.

Zander trotted and cantered poles today like he has done it a million times before. So...if my phlegm clogged brain can handle it...I plan to try jumping him tomorrow! I am so excited.

And...we need a name for a black and white pinto that is coming tomorrow. He has more white than black...so more white on him than Triton, but similar pattern. Must be a two syllable name. So far the best I have come up with is Wally. I don't know why. Or Tommy.

We might have Lana or Meagan out on Friday, so if you want your horse checked by the vet, let me know!



Paige said...

what about Vegas?? i think its cute!

Shinaya said...

Vegas is a cute name too!
What about Jaspar or Pepper?
I think those are cute!

Anonymous said...

What about Nitron, which is kind of like a scrambled up Triton.
I really don't know why I find that funny...
I can hardly wait to meet him! Is he really tall?

Rob said...

I think we should call him Ink Blot

Anonymous said...

What about Hayton?

Hillside Stable said...

Hayton...as in he eats a ton of hay? That Pepper and Ink Blot are maybe a little too descriptive...he does look like someone spilled ink on him and his belly is definately used to being full of hay.

But you are all too late...I have named him Tommy. I was trying to come up with names by mixing the letters of Hail Storm and came up with Thomas...which shorted to Tommy. He will still need a show name though. I like Vegas for a show name, but we will see how he does first.

And Christine...we are NOT dressing him and Triton alike and sending them out in the world as twins!


Anonymous said...

thats a cute name!

Anonymous said...

Come on!!! They would make such a great pas de deux!!! It would be beyond adorable!! They would get a ton of adorable points!!

Hillside Stable said...

Because boys like being called adorable...