Friday, November 6, 2009

Is anyone else tired and confused by the pissing match between the EC and AEF?

I can see that the AEF feels that their organization is threatened by a stronger national organization, and the EC wants more money to establish more national programs so it wants to get bigger. It seems one can't get bigger without one getting smaller.

I found EC's email interesting, in particular that they are trying to create standards for commercial boarding and lesson programs. That is interesting and due, but I really haven't seen any evidence of that being done/worked on.

I do kind of see that it makes sense that provincial members are included in the National organization, as certain programs such as trails and horse ID programs should be run nationally (in my opinion) but they affect the more casual provincial members.

On the other hand I think the AEF does a great job and I appreciate their presence...I do not think a national organization would do as good a job at coordinating local show schedules and member clinics/programs, or be as good at passing along local interest information. So I am torn...but I do not think the current pissing match is good for ANYONE and I think that the AEF is going about it the wrong way...they should be talking about what they DO, and where our fees to them go, and not about legal technicalities. Tell me WHY you are better than the EC, not why the EC is evil.



Michelle said...

I sent them a comment after the fourth message hit my inbox. I don't think they are fully aware of how unprofessional their communications make them look.

Near as I can tell, the bigger Edmonton shows are EC shows, so I need an EC membership either way. I think most of the individual members are in similar situations. I wish our governing organizations seemed to care about individuals...but every communication seems to prove that they care about their own Board positions and the FEI-level competitors.

Hillside Stable said...

Did you do the EC survey?

See, if the AEF went about saying how they were going to work to get more provincial and schooling shows or something it would be easier to get behind them. We need more quality schooling shows in my day things that don't need passports!
