Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reminder: Board is due!

Not teaching for the week feels odd...but a break was definitely warranted! I needed a break from my computer too, but I am now back on-line.

My next mission is to finish the accounting from the horse show!

Horse show #2 went well. Team Hillside moved up to some bigger classes and that went well. Weather held. Had a few falls this time, including our very own Kaitlin. One small child did get in trouble from me for whipping her horse after falling off. Not sure why her coach didn't yell at her...seriously, where is the logic in yelling and whipping your horse as soon as you stand up? Do you not think that maybe this will teach the horse to run far far away the next time you fall off? Perhaps with your foot still caught in the stirrup or a arm tangled in the reins?

Will post pictures from the show soon. Got some good ones!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

A very odd commentary on the state of high level dressage:


If you are wondering why it is so odd, it is a "text to speech" production.


Friday, August 27, 2010

And the entries are in!

Interestingly we seem to have the same number of entries as the last show, yet not that may of the same riders...which means highpoint will likely be pretty much up for grabs at this show as I am going to have the results from this show count higher than the other show so that I can guarantee the horse/rider can accept their award!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good going Tudor Tack

I went over to Tudor Tack today (Rob's heart rate just increased as he read that I am sure..understandably he gets nervous when the credit card and I go to the tack store...) to pick up the washed and repaired winter blankets and to show them the issue I had with the fuzzy girth I got for Tango. It had been obviously used by me, and had grey hair, so I wasn't really expecting them to take it back, I just wanted to show them the issue...much to my pleasure they took it back with a full refund! Hopefully the manufacturer takes it back...I think the design is flawed and I doubt it would do well on any horse.; the velcro holding the fuzzy on extended too far out and pinched her poor little elbow!

I used the credit to buy a shoulder brace/support that should hopefully help prevent horse's from being able to wrench my spine out of place again...it may also help my posture!

I also picked up more little prizes for the show...which Tudor nicely donated without my even having to ask!

We are going to have some nice prizes again, with prizes for 1rst and 5th place in the classics, as well as three gift certificates from LRM Equine Services (good for a massage or a bottle of specially formulated liniment), and some miscellaneous prizes that will be judged and awarded by the show volunteers...categories for these awards are to be a surprise!

We also have a cooler to award for the Delaney Jumper division, and saddle pads for the high points in the other divisions. And of course prize money.

Not to forget the reason for the show, we will have information provided by the Canadian Blood Services to hand out, as well as donor sheets where people can submit their past or future donations under Ride for Red as we are now a corporate donor! We need at least 15 donations a year to keep that designation, but I think we can do better than that! Lori at CBS even did up a donor sheet with a horse on it just for us.

I think we will have a few more entries than the last show, so hope to start promptly at 9am so that we can still allow schooling between divisions. I will email details once I have calculated how many tickets were sold and compare with last show.

Can you tell I am excited to hold Ride for Red #2?


Now this is how you advertise a horse....


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Yesterday was a crazy day, which landed me with one heck of a migraine last night.

Random drop in wanted me to show her two horses that are for sale. Seemed like a nice lady, so I lunged the two, but I had already ridden the one, and the other one had a try out later in the day, and it seemed unfair to that person to have the horse already ridden. I don't know why random drop ins irritate me, but they do. I like to keep a schedule.

Had someone come try a horse that greatly exaggerated the riding skills. Very glad I had horsey on a rope for the trot. Wrecked my shoulder, so off to physio in a bit to get that fixed up. Nice lady, has the right idea regarding needing more training, and likely will be fine with the horse, I just wish she had been a little more accurate on her self assessment as she could have been very hurt and horsey could have been very traumatized. Selling green horses is nerve wracking.
Lack of right arm use meant I decided to take it a little easy today. Rode the easy little Morgan Sparkie, and Lily who doesn't know how to pull, and took Dexter on a long trail ride. We saw a Snake! Well, I did. Dexter was too busy staring at something I couldn't see in the distance. Odd things seem interesting to him, yet things I think are scary barely register to him.
At the show it drove me crazy how some people dealt with their horse not wanting to go in the arena. It is pretty spooky to go from the bright outdoors, to the darker indoors, with the little step down and all sorts of funny noises. I don't think anyone should be upset by their horse wanting to have time to take it in. Most people were good. Let their horse look a little and then asked again to go in. A few had someone lead them in, and I led a few in.

But then there were the couple people who would be sitting there on a half asleep horse, hear me tell them they can go in...and suddenly start spurring the cr@p out of their half asleep horse! I thought one was going to go over backwards on the cement it was so shocked. Not sure the logic of inducing pain and trauma to help a horse overcome a very reasonable fear...

I was also not to sure about the two limpy horses in the ring. The one, not a big deal; the girl didn't have a coach and the limp wasn't huge. The other did have a coach though and the limp was VERY obvious even at the walk. I wonder what the judge did with that test? Poor horsie.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Parents that don't love their children.

Hi, my daughter has only been riding two months, and I would like to buy her a horse. We don't want to spend very much, and don't want to buy something too old, so we have decided to buy something young and not particularly trained so they can learn together. It will be majikal. When can I come out and try the 3 and 4 year old horses you have for sale?


Would you send your child to a school that had someone their own age teaching the class so they could "learn together"?

Buying young/green because it costs less? It only costs less if you can do the training yourself...otherwise the cost will add up with training...and paying more for the horse is DEFINITELY cheaper than refitting your house to be wheelchair accessible.

But she is an "advanced beginner" and just loves horses. She will take weekly lessons to learn how to ride the horse.

Yes, because love IS truly all it takes to train a horse. Those of us with training issues just don't love our horses enough. And those of us who have taken YEARS of lessons to be able to ride a green horse are just really slow learners. And for those of us who are taking lessons to be able to ride well trained horses...well, you are REALLY slow.

It is just so darn hard to explain to some non-horsey parents about how much there is to riding and training. I am sure they mean well, but it is hard not to worry about the child's well being as you know someone is going to sell them something...suitable or not. The above parent was in sharp contrast to the parent I talked to on Sunday who had done their homework and knew enough to be reasonably safe horse shopping. I wish there was some pamphlet I could just had out..."How to not buy a horse that will maim or scar your child for life".



Horse Show Recap

Geeze, finally a show at Amberlea when the arena isn't flooded. It DID rain Saturday night, but not overly so, and not when anyone was riding so that was a pleasant change for the venue!

Team Hillside did well. The three year olds were the stars, with both Magnus and Triton getting good scores, including 70 for Triton, and 70 point something for Magnus! Edgar looked like he was going to collapse into a puddle during Amanda's last stretch trot, but was otherwise a much more obedient horse than her other attempt at that level, and they were able to do all the movements when they were supposed to, and for as long as they were supposed to! I imagine Amanda is pretty sore today from keeping him going!

Tommy was also pretty good, and is proving himself to be a sensible show horse. Tamara rode him well and also got some respectable scores and placings.

Got to meet Michelle's new horse, who is quite lovely...he just looked a little shocked all the time! I think he was a little out of his usual element of jumping and being in the bush! Nice horse though, and it will be good to see them jumping!

I had fun coaching and being the whipper in. I do vastly prefer keeping busy at a horse show, and volunteering is a good way to ,meet people and see all the horses.

Speaking of volunteering...looking for help for Sunday for the Ride for Red show! In particular for someone to do the gate, and to help with the early morning course build. Let me know if you can help out with these things!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

I took Brie on a trail ride today. She was GOOD! I was warned that she was not good to trail ride and the last time I tried her on trails we didn't get far, but today she was walking out nicely and going up and down the hills on a loose rein. Not sure if it is the better fitness or that she trusts me more, but I think being able to trail ride will make her life better.

I have been in trail ride mode the last couple days as the wind has kept the mosquitoes a little at bay. Yesterday I took little Sparkie. She surprised me by being quite a brave little trail horse for her first time out!

Of course with the smoke it is great trail riding weather...a giant smudge to keep the bugs at bay...if you can breath! The smoke hit the barn at 12:30, just as I was coming back with Brie. I was just coming in from the trail as Rob was driving off (he brought me lunch from Tim Hortons...thanks honey!) and so at first I thought he had just made a smudge...which seemed odd to do when he was on his way to work again...but no...by 1:30 the smoke was in the indoor and my throat is raw from teaching/talking in the smokey air. Horses seem fine though.

Hopefully the smoke is not an issue at the show this weekend...


Ride times are up...

The ride times are up for the weekend.

All I can say is I am REALLY glad I didn't take a horse in first or second level, or in the Freestyle! It is going to be a very long day for the poor judge!

Saturday isn't too bad...with Clare starting us off at 8:18, and Tamara finishing us off at 3:30.


Sunday is less pleasant. Christine at 8am. Amanda at 4:19....so who wants to do chores on Sunday :) I figure we will have the other two horses loaded and Amanda can just ride Edgar into the trailer as she leaves her class.

That is a stupid long day...but I guess it is good that the show is being so well supported....


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Still no ride times for Amberlea? Paula mustn't be the one doing it or she would have had it done by now.

Weather forecast seems to be improving. Fingers crossed that we have one dry Amberlea show. Of course it would be the one I don't have a horse at.

As an aside; beware the free horse ad. There is one floating around right now. Free horse ads make people who would otherwise not want a horse, get a horse. Or people looking for a horse, get the wrong one.

Here is the thing. The Free horse costs as much as the paid for horse. There is a good chance the free horse may need more in the way of farrier and vet up front as free horses tend to be free for a reason. And then there is the training or maintenance it likely needs...most free horses are either young, lame, or have a difficult habit.

So you are saving money with the "purchase"...but paying more to get the horse rideable...if it is ever rideable.

I am sure there are some nice free horses out there. Some track horses are given away. But I think people are less diligent in their prepurchase consideration when there is no price tag...but unless you are willing to dump a horse at auction, then that free, poorly considered horse could end up costing you thousands of dollars, heart ache, and perhaps personal well being.

Think about how much you would pay to keep yourself (or your child) safe, and if you have that money in the bank, that is what you should be prepared to spend....if you don't, you shouldn't buy a horse.

Just ask Amanda what cheap horses "cost" her.

So Beware the Free horse.

(although I wouldn't trade the time I had with my "free" horse Ziggy...although in the end, the amount Rob and I spend trying to save her likely made her our most expensive horse. I miss her.)


Monday, August 16, 2010

I love the weather forecast. Cold and crappy tomorrow for when I have someone flying in to try horses...then a few nice days...and then cold, crappy and raining for the Amberlea show. And why wouldn't it be? Forecasters likely aren't even going by their charts and gizmos and are just looking at the Amberlea dressage show schedule.

Fortunately Amberlea makes wonderful hot chocolate complete with whipped cream.

Next year I am showing in California.

My dad has been doing surprisingly well with his blood counts continuing to improve and his need for transfusions decreasing steadily. The Leukemia cells are completely gone. Yippy! Still pisses me off that someone told him back in December he only had 1-3 months to live...what if he had believed them and given up?
It occurred to me that not everyone knows what is going on with Coregel and why she is in forced captivity (and doing well with it I must add). She has torn her collateral ligament that connects P2 and P3 (the small bones in the pastern). The ligament took some bone with it, but not enough to surgically reattach, so the hope is that if we keep it wrapped tightly and keep her from moving much it may find its way to reattach. We will re-xray in 22 days to see if it is healing. She also strained her suspensory ligaments in that leg, but that seems to have healed. The odd thing is that for the amount of damage she did, she wasn't very lame at any point...it was just the low/hard swelling that concerned be enough to finally do x-rays.

I am really not sure what the prognosis is for her if it heals or doesn't heal. I am just taking it one step at a time and trying to keep her from going crazy.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

I have the new lesson schedule posted, so if you haven't signed up for a lesson time, please do so soon so I can add new students to the schedule!

I am not teaching Anugust 30, 31, and September 1-3. Just a little break for me and for the horses. Lease riders are still welcome to ride on their lease and lesson days.

And now for some humour:

This one reminds me of Edgar and Dexter.... http://www.cafepress.ca/+horse_treats_note_cards_pk_of_10,155791695


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Look...it is mini Edgar!

Can you see the resemblance? Of course if it were the real Edgar there is no WAY he would be standing quietly so close to grass....
Coregel seems to be settling in to being indoors. Still not thrilled about it, but the walls are no longer shaking! Kokannee gets to be her day time friend. He seems pretty happy about the job; out of the hot sun, no bugs, no competition for his food...

I sent the entries in to the EAADA dressage show today...should be fun...and hopefully dry! Time to start reorganizing for my next little show though...time flies! Looking for more volunteers this time around...particularly with jump crew in the morning to set up the initial course.


Monday, August 9, 2010

If you are wondering what the God awful noise in the barn is...it is Coregel. Coregel on stall rest. Her hind leg injury is much more serious than first thought and I am supposed to try to immobilize the leg...she is not cooperating though. Hoping the vet comes up with a better solution than 30 days stall rest. I wish I could explain the consequences to her...I really do not want her to go the way of Ziggy.
I will have to leave someone in the barn during the day to keep her company. Not sure who yet. I may take Rob's advice and alternate two horses in the stall across from her...perhaps Lily and Bliss? I am sure they would be happy to be out of the sun for a few hours a day.
Although Rocket will be pleased to get Coregel's fly sheet for the remainder of the season...hopefully it fits him!

And now for a photo of a two year old who IS cooperating:
Doesn't Cara look all grown up and fancy in her bridle and braids? I think she will make someone a very fancy hunter one day.

And on the topic of fancy...I think it is a good thing Amanda does not have kids based on how she dresses her horse...seriously...his fly sheet looks like he is getting ready for a Richard Simmons sweating with the oldies workout... The poor fellow is so mortified he has even let Rocket and Tommy chomp on it.
(I am kidding...the shiny gold fly sheet is lovely Amanda...if only my horses should be so lucky...)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

So I was out looking at a horse today and saw some Cattalo. Any guesses what that would be? It is a buffalo crossed with cattle that looks mostly like a Bison. These guys (gals?) looked just like bison/buffalo, but had big white blazes, and one had a big belly splash of white! Pinto buffalo! How frightening would that be to encounter while trail riding...

On another note, I am putting together the fall lesson schedule, so please come talk to me about when you would like to ride. I am considering doing some dressage lessons Sunday mornings if there is enough interest. I so much prefer doing dressage with no jumps in the arena!

Hope you are all having a great summer and aren't being overly sucked dry by the insects!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It was bound to happen...a horse finally found the draw string on my jacket...grabbed the little plastic tightener and pulled while i was picking his hooves. And pulled. And pulled. Until it was quite stretched and I realized the dilemma I was in...unwittingly I went to reach up to open the horse's mouth...but as I did that he let go...and SNAP, ZAPPA, ZING....it snapped right back into my hand. Ouch. Very ouch. Lots of swearing from me. Horse looking innocent.

Must remember to make sure the new barn jackets do not have draw strings.


On a happier note I cantered Sparkie for the first time today! She is such an eager little trotter that it was hard to convince her to canter until today. That little horse can trot fast! Had a lovely canter though, so hopefully she agrees that it is easier than doing a speedy trot. I trotted the younger morgan Minx for the first time today too. She is also a lovely mover and I found her to have a very warmblood feeling trot which I didn't really expect. She is a very nice little mare. Both horses are for sale if anyone is looking for a very willing partner for show or trail riding. Make a youth or small adult a wonderful mount!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A new training horse came in today. His name is Reno and he is only three...but already quite a big boy. He is going to be a heck of a change from the little Morgans I am also training!
We have another horse here with the same daddy...anyone want to guess who?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Well my last big show of the year was a little anti-climatic. Tango was on the one hand much more obedient than usual, but she just wasn't her usual self. I could NOT get a medium trot out of her and she lacked the flare she normally has. She was just...flat. And Tango is never flat. Maybe she missed getting to splash in the puddles? More likely though is that she hurt herself kicking in the trailer on our way there...we were stuck in traffic for about 15 minutes and she shook the trailer the entire time. She will get some time off now and hopefully time will put her back to her old self.

Brie was pretty good. Friday was definitely our best day though. Saturday started with a very muddy warm up ring so another class where I couldn't warm up. At first not being able to warm up was a novelty, but by show three it was just tiresome and frustrating. She went in the ring and promptly slipped on the lengthen across the diagonal which threw off her confidence for the rest of the test. Our leg yields were at their best though. The freestyle went well, and she won the red ribbon for first level. On Sunday she did first level test 4. I was happy with her effort, although we missed the one counter canter (nailed the second one though!), and it was a good improvement over the last show. She is getting much straighter in her neck and relaxed in her jaw.

Came home absolutely exhausted. Horses seemed happy to come home too. Although I think Tango liked the novelty of getting grain at the show!

As an aside, remember how the music failed Tango for our freestyle at the last show? Well, it happened again to a few of the other competitors at this show...only the judges didn't know how to deal with failed music so instead of having the riders just come back later they held the ring until the amp was fixed and had them start over then...making the other riders later and later...adding 8 minutes or so with each music failure. In a sport where we are used to riding on time and warm up is down to an exact science, this can really throw a horse and rider's performance for a loop!
