Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Normally I don't even think about Friday the 13th...but today is proving to be an annoying day, so maybe there is something to it. To make a long story short it looks likely that Tommy won't be cutting it as a lesson horse for jumping, so now I have to decide what to do with him. He is so sweet and cute, so I am very dissappointed but I am sure he will make someone a lovely mount. We will likely use him in lessons until sold unless his owner takes him back.

On a slightly more positive note, a grey gelding came in for us on trial. He is a decent sized horse, likely around 16 hands...but FAT! And out of shape. I have him for 2 weeks to see how he does. Fingers crossed he is as nice as Zander as horse shopping is not any fun. Please don't make fun of his should grow back!



Anonymous said... i am disappointed too...

but onward and upward i suppose.


Hillside Stable said...

Grey gelding is cute too! And Zander is about as fun a horse to jump as I have ridden in a long time...still...I was really looking forward to little pinto going to shows...
