Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pets In the Park Update

Amanda wanted to thank everyone that contributed to her Pets in the Park fund raiser. Her "Mighty Mutts" team raised over $12,000 for the SPCA! Amanda was the lead contributer for her team. The Spca doesn't have the total raised amount calculated yet, but they are sure it is more than last year which is great!

Her dogs weren't all that thrilled with the even though; Biscuit had hurt himself a few days prior and wasn't allowed to participate although he sure wanted too. Rusty on the other hand was overwhelmed by the many large dogs, some of which weren't even on leashes.

Ginger enjoyed the ball that Amanda was given in her "goody" bag. Well...she enjoyed it for the 15 minutes it lasted. Ginger seems to think the purpose of a tennis ball is to skin it alive after marinating it in slobber.

If you haven't already done so, please let me know what your vacation schedules are. So far it seems like 1/3 of the barn will be away for the date I had planned for the fun show/barbeque, so I am thinking of moving it to July 26. I really want it to be a day when our students and boarders can meet the other riders who have different schedules. I also want to be able to get pictures for the new website.

It is also the end of the month, so if you haven't gotten me your board cheque yet, please do so soon.

Ri better watch out...Crazy Amanda and her clipping fetish might get ideas from this photo sent to me by Christine! It does look kind of cool, but the horse does not look impressed...


Monday, June 29, 2009

Pictures from Killerney.

Fancy and Sara in the Jumpers. You don't often see cross poles in the jumpers.... I liked the wall though.

Bliss and I in the hunters. The jumps were a tad smaller than I expected. Isn't she pretty though?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Delaney Vet services Open House was fun! Rob and I went around 2:20, and Amanda was already there. They had live music, a tonne of door prizes, and lots of food. Hopefully one of us won something in the draw.

One of Lana's clients brought their mini ponies over for the afternoon, and I got to drive a team called Governer and General. It was pretty cool as I have always been afraid to try driving after witnessing my sister try to drive my arab mare Coro Dana way back when...it ended with a cut up horse and a destroyed wagon. The mini's felt pretty safe, and it was so easy to see over them and to see their back and neck so I didn't feel as distanced from them as I am sure I would have felt had they been big horses with me staring at their bums.

We also spent time with their mini Donkey...so cute!

I figure inteading of becoming a Western and Dressage barn so I don't have to move jumps... we can become a mini horse barn....still no jumps to move, they eat less food, we can fit 4 to a stall, and they are so darn cute!

Speaking of cute animals...the neighbours found a Peacock on their property...anyone missing a Peacock?

Rob was then out on the tractor working on levelling the new sand in the outdoor. Yippy! Thanks honey! Next on the list is more jump standards.

We also made the "move" and shuffled the geldings around today. S'Argent and Hans were having fun running together, but Diesel seems to so far hate Hans. Maybe he feels threatened a he is by far the shortest in the paddock? Hans is a big boy! S'Argent did seem to miss Dexter though.

Magnus seems happy with his move; he was hanging out with YJ and running all over, but then when I put Dexter out too, he attatched himself to Dexter. I think they should practice for Pas a Deux when Mags is older...they are pretty well matched as long as Mags doesn't grow too much taller, although Dexter is thicker with a much bigger head. Dexter though seemed more facinated by YJ than by Magnus. Actually all the horses on that side seemed facinated by YJ's colouring. YJ for his part just seemed to want to be back with Ri.

Ri, Tonka, Chance, and Sunny loved being out on grass for a few hours. In fact they hardly moved from the gate in the time they were out there. Amanda was worried Ri wouldn't want to come in, but he was the first one to come to the gate when I went out. Perhaps grazing was too much work for him?


Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome to the NEW Hillside Stable blog! This one should be easier to edit and to attach photos to than the old one.

We will also be doing up a new website for Hillside Stable, to be unveiled in July. We figured it was about time we got a proper domain name.

Mark your calendar: on July 12, we will be holding an "in barn" Hillside Horse show and Pot Luck Barbeque. This is open to ALL Hillside clients, including people who had horses trained by Hillside in the last 12 months, lesson students, and "friends" of Hillside. It will start at 11:30 am, and will be held in the outdoor arena. A rain out date will be announced if it looks like the weather isn't going to cooperate. Entry fee will be $2.00 per class plus you have to help out with either an event you aren't going to compete in, with setting up, or with cleaning up when it is all over. I am planning to compete too, so I need the extra help! We will also be looking for people to take pictures so we can update the website with current photos!

We will have prizes for overall scores/high point up to 6th place. Proceeds from the entries will go towards prizes and towards more jumps!

The classes are all either timed or scored;

Class List:
1) Halter Obstacles: Lead your horse over a skill testing obstacle course. Points for each obstacle completed within the time allowed.
2) Halterless Obstacles: A slightly easier course than for class 1, negotiated without the use of a halter or bridle. Neck rope, carrots and so on allowed!
3) Open Obstacles: Ride a challenging obstacle course. May included a jump up to 12".
4) Bridless Obstacles: A slightly easier course done without the use of a bit or hackmore. Halters or bitless bridles acceptable.


5) Match the Coach Barrels: I will run the barrel pattern on one of my horses, the competitor who gets closest to me time without going faster than I did, wins.
6) On Target: You are just going to have to wait and see what this class is all about!


Jumping Classes:
7) Spin the Stride (18") :we will have a wheel you will spin to know how many strides you are trying for down a set line. Each competitor will have either one do over, or one re-spin. Each time you make it down the line at the required number of strides you get a point towards the high point.
8) Make your own course (18") :a course of 12 jumps...you have to find the quickest path through the course, and be clear! Rails will add 2 seconds to your time.
9) Match the Coach (2'0"): I will jump the course on one of my horses, then the rider who gets closest to my time without going faster than me wins!
10) Jeopardy Jumping (18" -2'9"): Jumps will be assigned points. The spookier/bigger the jump, the more points it will be worth. Who ever gets the most points in the time allowed wins.

You don't need to post enter, but it would be nice to know who is coming.
