Saturday, September 26, 2009

A little bit about wasps...

So I know some of you will be thrilled that the cooler weather will mean less wasps as it seems certain people have wasp phobias, and wow is the wasp population strong this year. I thought some wasp info may help you appreciate the little critters though, namely that wasps eat other annoying insects such as flies, caterpillars and crickets, so yes, they do have a purpose! The downside though, is that at this time of year they are more interested in sweet things, so tend to be more aggressive to people to try to steal their pop or candy. You can use this info to your advantage though; desperate to rid yourself of a wasp attack? Carry pop with you, and spray it on a nearby unsuspecting subject to create a diversion from you!

Alternatively you can do the wasp dance...ask Amanda to teach it to you.

I cannot imagine living in a country that doesn't have winter and having to deal with the giant bugs that some places have, so winter definitely has an upside. I would happily take a few months of wasps over an endless stream of giant spiders, scorpions and cockroach room mates.


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