Thursday, September 3, 2009

I had hoped my luck would hold and I could finish lessons before the storm...but alas Kelsey, Joan and I were not so lucky...we got seriously sand blasted. I thought we could wait out the first blast of wind...but it just built and built until we couldn't see for all the sand in the air. Yikes! We made it in safely thank goodness...albeit a little gritty. I think Joan helped conjure up the wind to get out of continuing to jump tonight.

Dexter was re-energized by the wind and galloped around annoying the rest of the boys. Hopefully this wind meant that the crazy hot weather is done with and we can get back to more seasonal weather. Training horses when it is this hot is not so much fun...I try to get as much done as possible outside before it gets hot, and then work inside later in the day. Sailor was one of the horses that ended up being worked inside today, so I decided to lunge him over a jump to introduce him to the idea and see if he has talent there...he certainly does! He jumped very cute and looks like he would make an efficient and careful jumper or eventer type. What a cutey.


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