Thursday, September 17, 2009

The colour green...

For the Warmblood Inspection this weekend, presenters are supposed to wear dark green shirts and black pants. The black pants isn't hard, but can anyone remember the last time dark green was a fashionable colour? Seriously...go to a you see many shirts in dark green? T-shirts maybe, but anything a little more classy such as a polo shirt, or nice sweater?

I don't get why either...dark green is a nice colour. I like dark green and I would wear it...but then I have never really been fashionable so maybe that explains my taste.

Amanda had the idea that we should check out Thrift stores...but I think dark green has been out of fashion even too long for them!

My green options are: my fern (or is it moss?) green Hillside Polo shirt, or a dark green turtle neck that isn't at all fitted (and it is going to be HOT out!). I also have some dark green T-shirts...not sure which would be the better option.

So if anyone has a dark green (forest or similar) coloured shirt that Christine, Clare or I could borrow for Saturday...


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Go to Elite Sportswear, or any other logo-making company.

They will have forest green polos. We needed them all the time for U of A stuff (Pandas). If you only had a few more days, I could send you mine! It has a tiny Panda on the back, at the neckline and a very small U of A Rugby on the front!