Monday, September 21, 2009

Jelly Belly

Christine brought out Jelly Belly candies for the barn, as some sort of pre-inspection snack. I have had the Jelly Belly's before, but not for a while! So many flavours all in that one bag. Can you imagine having the job of flavour inventor and/or taste tester?

We concluded that some flavours weren't all that appropriate though, with buttered popcorn being the least appropriate flavour...and not because the taste isn't right...but that it is too right...and popcorn just shouldn't have that texture! Other flavours I am not so sure about being Jelly Bean suited: Carmel Corn, Toasted Marshmallow, Mocha, and chocolate. All decent flavours...but not in that form.

I do think the Jelly Bellys are a good candy though, as they encourage moderated snacking for two reasons:

1) The name "Jelly Belly" is there as a constant reminder as to why you should not eat too many of the candy.
2) You are encouraged to eat them one at a time, or risk mixing two incompatible flavours in your mouth. Butter Popcorn and Kiwi for example, or Mocha and Bubble Gum.

On that note though, I wonder if mixing other flavours could could come up with a fruit salad (Watermelon, grape, orange), a smore (chocolate, toasted marshmallow) or a flavoured coffee (Mocha and Chocolate)

The downside to them though, is that you sometimes look at one, and think you know the flavour to expect and to look forward to, only to pop it in your mouth, and find that it wasn't at all what your taste buds were expecting; it wasn't water melon, it was a dark green black licorice jelly bean!



Michelle said...

You've been posting a lot about snacks lately. Should I bring an offering with Beamer?

It definitely won't be popcorn-flavoured jelly-beans...eeeeew.

Hillside Stable said...

YES! Bring snacks! As long as they aren't potato snacks...or black licorice.

With Rob around the house and going grocery shopping with me, my snack purchasing has been curtailed and I fear starvation is just around the corner...I NEED SNACKS!