Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hot. Stupid Hot. First day of fall should not be this hot. Hay guy should not deliver hay when it is this hot. Dinner should not have to be made when it is this hot; (it should just appear in front of me like it does for others in this house). Fluffy cats should not sit on my belly staring at me when it is this hot.

I wonder if this weather is going to mess up the horses growing their winter coats?

I hope Tonka got to Ontario OK. He should be there sometime today. I am suprised at how well Ri and YJ adjusted to his absence, considering how close the three horses seemed to be. YJ actually seems calmer now when Ri leaves and YJ ends up all alone; before, if both Ri and Tonka left the paddock, YJ would race around calling.

I feel sorry for horses sometimes, having to leave their friends, make new friends, then have those friends taken away. Even worse, at some point they are turned out with an obnoxious young warmblood or similar and have trouble getting a moment peace. Horse's do form close bonds, some more than others; Fancy and Rosa, Coregel and Piper, S'Argent and Jerry, Ri and YJ.

Soon it is all going to get shaken up though. On October 1, I will be reorganizing the horses into their winter pens. The geldings will be coming off grass then too. The proposed winter turn out:

Mares: Stays the same except Tango will be moving to the west pen to keep Fancy company at night as Rosa will be coming in. The west mares will get a round bale for the winter, and will get pellets at night.

The north paddock will eventually be openned up to the hay feild, so they will get to run and play on the hills for the winter. I am hoping to condition them to come for pellets at 4pm each afternoon, so that they are easier to find/catch for riding. Horses in this feild: YJ, Dexter, Diesel, Rocky, Jerry, S'Argent.

The East geldings will be for the babies: Hans, Magnus, Kokannee...and baby sitter Sunny. There will be a round bale out there in the winter, and they will get pellets at night.

The West gelding will be for the rest: Sailor, Ri, Shawn, Rocket, Buddy.

Training horses will go in the lower South/west pen, and in the wood pens by the house.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding where your horse will be turned out.


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