Sunday, June 6, 2010

So Amanda has been telling us that Edgar is an Approved American warmblood, and formerly a breeding stallion. Inspected and branded and all. I was a little skeptical, but as he shedded, his brand did seem to be there. But now it has become clearer...and it no longer appears to be an A in a Crown as it should be...rather it looks like an "A" inside an apple.

Edgar is not a former Approve Warmblood breeding stallion....he is a kindergarten prop. One that was fired when he decided to move on to "B" for "bite me"

This could explain why he is good at dressage though; he knows the letters of the arena. Hopefully he doesn't try to do them in alphabetical order though...that would be a complicated test.



Anonymous said...

A-B Enter lengthened canter
B Skid to halt with rider flying gracefully over horse's head, headfirst into wall...Salute
B-C Continue medium walk, attempting to sit back up into the saddle
C-D tight turn, working trot
D-E Backwards leg yield

It could be fun!!!!

I can think of several reasons for Edgar to get fired from a kindergarten, full of lawsuits and amputees....


Hillside Stable said...

Hey, you have the start of your Pas A Deux pattern!

Garnet_ said...

Maybe Edgar is bitter that he's not a breeding stallion anymore?