Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Triton is in denile

I decided that today would be a good day to introduce Triton to a Western Saddle. He is good out on trails, and very surefooted, so I could see him one day heading up a mountain, and most riders on such a path would prefer a western saddle to a dressage...even a grippy equisuede one.

Triton looked pretty good in the western saddle. Not as good in the english, but not out of place either.

I lunged him first off, and wow...he was his Friesianist Friesian self (take that spell check!). Prancy and neck archy beyond what I have ever seen! He was NOT going to admit to his Paint heritage...he was all Friesian! His impressive trot hung on even while I rode him. He felt like almost as big a mover as Jelt. Perhaps I will have to get Sunny to have a chat with him and explain that even big dressage horses can go western once and a while...


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