Thursday, June 3, 2010

SInce you asked...

Some of you have asked just HOW big I look on the very elegant and refined, 13.2 hand morgan mare named Sparkie. So here you go:

There are more photos of her on Photobucket:

Isn't she as cute as a kitten? She is also for sale for the steal of a deal of $1500.00 if anyone is looking for a very fancy 4 year old pony. She is quite green, but quite athletic, and tries hard to please.

Please note, that I did not say "cute as a button" or "cute as a bug's ear" which are the standard sayings...I have never seen a button and thought "oh, how cute!". And do non-cartoon bugs even have ears? Kittens are cute. No matter what they are doing.

Another saying that you will never hear me say: "Worked like a charm!" ; how many of you have a charm that works? When I hear that saying I think "what, it worked inconsistently based on fluke, luck, and superstition?"

"Happy as a Clam" is one I just don't understand. Are Clam's able to be happy? What about "snug as a bug in a rug"? yeah, until it gets stepped on. And who feels snug when someone starts talking about bugs in rugs? Bug in rug discussions make me itchy.

These sayings should be replaced by more relevant ones like "Happy as a horse in a hay shed" (that one has alliteration going for it!) and "Worked like a horse after a carrot"



Anonymous said...

Don't forget "Healthy as a horse"! How many of us say that as we have the vet on speed dial and she recognizes our voices when we call?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I say, "I have to pee like a race horse!" I have no idea what it means and when I lived with my cousin years ago she used to say it all the time. Like a lot of annoying things it was contagious and now I say it. I think it means they have to pee because of all the drugs they are on, but it's still a stupid saying.....


Hillside Stable said...

Easy as Pie was one Christine mentionned that meaning pie is easy to make? Eat? Throw?

I think Pee like a race horse refers to how they are taught to pee for the drug testing...they are ready to pee as soon as they are ready to test!

Healthy as a Horse...that I don't get...unless it was from days gone by when they either had to be healthy or they were shot...maybe we should try that threat with our horses!