Thursday, June 10, 2010

What a good day so far!

1) It wasn't raining. I was expecting a day of rain.
2) I cantered Triton for the first time under saddle today. He is horrid at cantering on the lunge, but was quite good under saddle and picked up both leads and cantered a 20m circle each way. First canters are interesting...either the horse wants to run, or they are super round and possibly a little bucky. I like the second way better as they tend to be more balanced that way...although it does feel like you are cantering through 3 feet of snow! Triton was the latter and his canter felt super collected and cool.
3) I leaned on Ricco for the first time. Likely could have got on him for all he seemed to care, but I didn't really plan for it and so just had a short lead rope on him...not enough to tie like reins.
4) Cara got her feet done. From unable to catch to being good for the farrier in 7 days! What a super smart filly!
5) I jumped YJ over a little course, with the biggest jump being about 2'3". He felt brilliant. Not sure what has happened to him, but he has really figured things out lately.
6) Charmer figured out how to use her back and bridle up at the trot. She seems to want to e an english horse now...but perhaps that is just the cooler weather talking.
7) While he was waiting for the farrier to come trim him, I decided to jump little Rocky. he was being so much fun I put a vertical up to 3' and he was so much fun! (3' feels big on a pony!) I think he was happy just to not be ponying another horse. I wish I could figure out his buck so I could use him in lessons.

Now I need a nap.


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