Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Do you ever have a dream where you are really mad at someone in the dream, so you wake up still a little (or a lot) miffed at them, even though you know there is really no reason for you to be?

Last night, my evil subconscious had me dream that I was at a horse show, competing with Tango and Brie. I had gotten there early to watch Amanda ride, and to help Christine with Brax, but had forgotten to recheck the day sheets. So as I wander back to the barn from the concession, I checked the find my first ride on Tango had moved up to 11:05, and it was now 10:50. Could I get ready in 15 minutes? Likely not, but I still wanted to try, so when I got back to the barn I asked Amanda and Christine to help me get ready ASAP. Amanda jumps into action (despite her having a class at 11:30) and starts fixing Tango's braids. Meanwhile Christine just stands in the alley chatting away, Brax this and Brax that. I was ready to tell her she needed to find a new barn to take him back to if she didn't help get Tango ready...fortunately Amanda yelled at her instead and Christine came over to start picking shavings out of Ts tail...leaving the stall door open and almost setting her loose in the process. Then I woke up.

So Christine, if I start shaking shavings bags and dropping loud things in the barn while you ride's not me, it is my subconscious.

On the subject of dreams, Amanda finally asked someone about blind person dreams. the person she spoke to, only dreams in sounds. No colours, no feeling or smell. Just sound and emotions.

I have full sensory dreams; touch, smell and all. And I always remember dreaming...usually many dreams. Sometimes my dreams are so real I don't really want to leave them and wake up. It is like having an alter that doesn't envolve mud.

Next mission; deaf person dreams.

On a completely different note, I will be doing the summer lesson schedule up soon. Look for it on Thursday. It will be on the two month at a glance calendar. I WILL be teaching some day time times if people are available, and will only be teaching 3 evenings a week. I will NOT be teaching during the longer dressage shows as I don't want to over do it, so lessons will be rescheduled on those weeks. As well, if you are going away, let me know, so I can mark it on the Calendar.



Anonymous said...

WHAT???? I'm glad a decided not to ride tonight! I'll give you a couple of days to cool down. Maybe it's because I usually come around chore time and I'm getting Brax ready and chatting to you while you are doing chores? I'm sure in a high pressure situation I would jump into action and help you. I can't say the same for Amanda though!! She is a REAL sluffer!!!! I would be way more mad at Amanda if I were you... mad at Amanda, not Christine!! Mad at Amanda!! BAD AMANDA!!!
Good Christine

Anonymous said...

Christine, I own Edgar. Like I wouldn't JUMP at the chance to get ANY other horse ready! You on the other hand, and just a crazy, happy yapper! Face it, Karen loves me more! And to think of all the times I could have just dragged you off to the ditch, and this is the thanks I get for letting you live!
Good Amanda

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting about that #$#$#@@# ditch!!!!! I'm going to have to bring a shovel out this weekend and fill in that stupid ditch!!!!
Karen just told me yesterday that she was thinking about putting a certain draft cross (not Brax) in that ditch and filling in that hole!! I think her dream was one of those opposite things with misdirected anger, clearly she loves me more than you and is over compensating for her guilt about that in the dream!!
Exceptionally Good and more loved Christine

Anonymous said...

When I get there at chore time I help! Mainly because of my overwhelming guilt about my evil horse! Do you help? I once brought in, like, TWO whole horses! Obviously, she MUST love me more, or she would have killed both me and Edgar by now and put us both in the ditch. I did put her blind dreams questions to rest, after all.... and to think I was going to give you $50 for your horse! Karen knows that Edgar wouldn't even BE there without you and your "bring the cheque book to look at the horse" attitude!

The ridiculously loved Amanda, so loved she can barely stand it

Anonymous said...

I think the key word in that sentance is "ridiculous". You know for both our sakes we should probably fill in that ditch!! Who are we kidding we are both hanging on the brink of death by Karen!
A couple of shovels may not be enough, I think we should rent a backhoe!!!!!!!
Also, just so you know I did help Karen move 2 whole horses from one pasture to another last weekend!! Okay one of them was mine, but whatever!!!
Maybe not entirely loved and staring down the face of death...

Hillside Stable said...

The Amanda Vs Christine debate:
Amanda does come with me to shows and do night feed.

On the other hand Christine's cheque at the end of the month is much bigger.

Amanda's horse destroys the barn.
Christines horse just destroys his own stuff.

Christine has her own horse trailer.

But Amanda does let me heap abuse on her...

It is pretty close...

Perhaps one of you needs to bring out chocolate or cookies to break the tie...

Anonymous said...

Amanda you are going to have to buy a ***** load of cookies and chocolates to match my bill at the end of the month!!!!!
Not so loved and going broke Christine

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can just buy bulk at the dollar store! Your bill would go down if you accepted my offer for Bliss!Or I just need to increase my pain tolerance and accept more abuse!

Abused is a kind of love, and I can't bake Amanda