Thursday, June 17, 2010

I like June. It is a nice month. Warm, quiet (kids are busy studying to make up for 4 months of slacking!), and a nice summer to look forward to. On the flip side though, June drives me crazy. Every year the longer days drive me over the edge with lack of sleep. My brain just can't seem to comprehend that I CAN sleep even though it is light out. By July I seem to have adjusted, but until then, if I call you by the wrong name, just deal with it...I am half asleep and semi conscious.

Whilst riding outside I saw all of the horses in the grass fields laying down for a nap...and I was jealous. Yesterday all I wanted to do was pick grass for the horses (no complaints from them), but I did find the energy to get on Ricco for the first time. Natalie videoed Ricco is oddly unconcerned by my presence on his back considering the things that DO concern him. Of course as soon as I was on there, he was like "hey, Karen's gone...I am SO out of HERE! Hey Natalie!" Today I didn't have Natalie in the arena and he was better able to recognize that I was on him and actually telling him to do something.

We did a video of Triton yesterday too...but I lack the energy to edit it down to a more reasonable length, so it will have to wait.


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