Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Moving time again

Grady left today, Jerry leaves Friday to his new home, Amanda's new horse comes Friday, and so does Chance weather with all this coming and going I am moving some of my geldings around. Triton and Zander are going to play with the big boys in the hay field & Tommy and YJ are going to be on the south side. I am going to start working YJ again, and perhaps starting using him in lessons in February. I think he is happy to not be with S'Argent any more...for some reason S'Argent hated him. Perhaps he is jealous of how fuzzy and cute YJ is.

I introduced Bliss to a grid and an oxer today. She has so much more jump than the other horses I ride and really makes me realize how much I have let my jumping skills slide!

Here is the video:



Unknown said...

Just so you know, Grady also got home safely today - it was much better hauling with some weight in the trailer!

Now, he'll have a little time off, then I'll likely pony him off Jaycie, then torture him with the crazy tassled saddle! Hopefully with the time off and that he will not behave any goofier than he did today - lol!

Michelle said...

TASSLED SADDLE?! Are you going to come in Native Costume this year too?


Hillside Stable said...

I couldn't remember what the strings on a western saddle were called, so I called the tassels...Grady thought they were out to get him!

I can just imagine QH costume classes... unshaven men with "chew" in their cheek on a short ungroomed QH...