Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter Marketing

Why do fuzzy winter pyjamas tend to be decorated with winter scenes; snow flakes, snowmen and the such? Is this supposed to make the wearer feel warmer? Or is it to remind them why they need to purchase the fuzzy winter PJs in the first place?

Same with Calendars; in the summer when you are trying to beat the heat, the calendars show scenes of hot weather the winter they show snowing landscapes. If I wanted to see snowy landscapes I could easily look out the window! Is it to remind city folks what unpolluted snow looks like? Is it for the benefit of those that live in places without snow?

I would rather have a calendar where the snowy scenes are in the months of summer; scenes to help you think cool thoughts...and to make you grateful for the summer sun. In the winter they could have the beach scenes to help you think warm thoughts, or to have something to look forward too...or they could have a photo of a sunbather being attacked by mosquitoes to remind us that there is some good that comes with winter...

So when you go out into the cold next time, think; hey, at least there are no mosquitoes!


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