Saturday, December 12, 2009

All right, so here is the Christmas Party Contest advance notice;

Name as many of the training/sales horses that Hillside worked with in 2009. This only includes horses sent for full training and horses that were here specifically to be sold. There were 17 in total (I think). You get 2 points for each name you remember, and 1 point if you can only describe them!

There is a second contest too...but it will be unveiled at the party as advance notice won't help you. The winner of the first contest won't be eligible to win the second.

Ties will either be broken by a draw or by a tie breaking question...

It is supposed to be nice and sunny for tomorrow, so be brave and come on out!



Jessie said...

What time is it at?

Hillside Stable said...


Jessie said...

Thanks! I was going to come but our car won't start! Quentin's currently trying to get it to go, but I'm not sure if we'll get it started. Strange, because the block heater seems to work.