Saturday, December 5, 2009

In case you were wondering...

Your horses are all doing great and seem to actually be enjoying the snow! I fed them a little extra today when the wind picked up and they seemed to enjoy the midday snack.
I've been too chicken to head out at no idea how the roads are beyond my driveway, but the people that did make it out today said it was ok.

The driveway/parking lot condition is good to fair, with some slightly deep/soft spots right behind the blue truck, but otherwise it is good, so be brave and come on out!

I am finding this snow envigorating! Plowing through the snow pulling my hay sleigh is quite the thigh workout...I will sleep well tonight!



Anonymous said...

With winter tires on both of our vehicles we had no problem, however my dad has this crazy notion that he could go up Mount Everest with the tires. No joke, he actually said that!


Hillside Stable said...

I can just see your dad deciding to take a short cut across a feild to test the tires...seems like a guy thing to do!

Anonymous said...

Haha he loves speeding up then braking and say "Wow! did you see that!!!!" "yes dad...of course I did" Followed by a very bored sigh


Hillside Stable said...

He sounds like a 'great" roll model for an up and coming teenage driver...