Monday, March 1, 2010


As some of you may have heard, they are going to be putting up new transmission lines. Ugly, big, transmission lines that they are trying to sell as needed and as the only way to address our electricity needs. Some poeple aren't buying that they can't go under ground, and some people question the need at all.

So is it a coincidence that we have had three power outages lasting from 40 minutes to 2 and a half hours in the last couple weeks? Not at prime use times, or during bad weather either...just spontaneous and annoying power outages. Perhaps someone is trying to sway public opinion?

Thank goodness Rob put emergency lights in the barn and arena that come on in the event of a power failure. I remember teaching at a barn without emergency lights a few years ago. I had a client on a nervous horse when the lights went out, and we found ourselves in pitch black! I remember being quite concerned that the horse would end up running me over in the dark! Fortunately someone came with a flashlight and we could get the rider safely off, and the horse back in the barn....not that the horse cared much for the flashlight.


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