Friday, January 29, 2010

New years Resolution 2010

The Canadian Horse Journal recently had an article/interview with a couple of up and coming dressage riders, and in it they touched on cross training (for the riders, not the horses). I have always been a little lazy about exercise, using the theory that a) I am thin, and b) I ride/look after a barn full of horses and c) I am lazy.

But, I have decided to change my ways! Starting last week, I have started to run, with the goal being to run at least 5 days per week. I am taking it slowly, for now just trying to run long enough to really get my heart pumping...which sadly only takes a couple laps around the indoor arena, or a run from the hay shed to the end of the drive and back! But I figure taking it slowly will still help improve my cardio, while being less likely to cause weight loss. I usually run in the indoor arena at night while Dexter has his rolling time...having him trotting behind me is a good motivator to keep up the pace!

Ginger is less of a motivator; when I run outside she gets confused and tries to herd me by snapping at my mittens. It is sad that my dog thinks that my running is cause for alarm.

My next step is the purchase of actual running shoes, as those would probably be better to run in than my winter paddock boots or walking shoes. I have silly narrow heels, so it is tricky to find shoes that fit (excuse number 4 for not exercising!)

Once I have decent running shoes I can also use the treadmill that sits unused beside me as I surf the internet...

Health wise I am also trying to improve my sleeping habits as I have been a light sleeper for far too long, and I spend too many days trying to fit a nap into my schedule. One suggestion I received is to learn meditation. I think that is a great idea, not only for sleeping, but also for controlling show nerves. Clare2 apparently is a meditation supported so she has offered me some CDs to try, but if anyone knows a good book or course to take, it would be appreciated!



Guess who... said...

I hear that house cleaning and doing laundry can be quite meditative...

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Karen!!! Cleaning chemicals cause cancer, and a laundry machine could blow up at any moment!!!! You could lose a limb!!

However, helpng others is very spiritually free board and lessons....

On a more serious note, some people (like me) are too high strung to meditate and there are wonderful antianxiety meds out there to make life "zen". Ativan is very meditative.

Good on ya for the running though. I often contemplate it, but by the time I am ready I just go to bed instead. Your best bet for good shoes is the Running Room..pricey but worth the cost for a good fit.


Guess who said...

Amanda, you should start running with Karen then together relax with a little house cleaning... go green with vinegar and water instead of soap

then a little time in the kitchen baking cookies and pies for some aroma therapy :)

Hillside Stable said...

A LITTLE house cleaning is exactly what Amanda and I do...and we don't worry about soap OR vinegar! Just shove the dirt under the dog bed, or pile the dishes out of sight and voila!
