Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I am still keeping an eye on the horse ads for a new lesson horse, and wow are there ever some cute mini ponies for sale right now! If we were a mini pony barn, we could fit 4 times the horses in the barn, the trailer could become a double decker and fit like 12 ponies, and the hay in the hay shed right now would last all year!

Not too long ago there was a very cute appy coloured pony on Kijiji advertised as being bomb proof and simple to ride/jump...and then you click on the photo to enlarge to see that on either side of the jump the pony is jumping there is a person standing with arms outstretched to create a jumping chute so the pony can't run out. Hmmm....

I think I am going to hang on to Piper after all, and not sell her. I am still considering trying to find Diesel and Rocky new homes, although I haven't done much to advertise them. Laureen has also decided that it is time to find Buddy a new home that will give him more attention too. I have appreciated using him in lessons, but as he shouldn't jump much anymore, and I don't have many non-jumping students, so he isn't getting used enough to keep him in shape...and as a few of commented, he is fat!

Buddy needs a home that will keep shoes on him year round, and that will trail ride with him, and/or do basic dressage, so if anyone knows anyone that would offer this trustworthy gelding a great home, please let me know!



Unknown said...

Diesel may be leaving? Aww, I'm gonna miss the guy, even thought I can't manage to stay on him. What a cutie.

Hillside Stable said...

We aren't in any hurry to see him go, but with his back giving him trouble I think he would be best off with one owner/rider who could keep an eye on his back and maintain it better. He has been here since the beginning, so it will be hard to see him go!