Thursday, July 22, 2010

Watch out for Elves...

It seems we have elves at the barn, that sneak out in the middle of the night at train the horses...that is the only explanation I can think of for the ease with which Ricco picked up cantering. Yesterday was his first attempt and I more or less trotted him into it and then told him what a hero he was...but today all I had to do was get my body in canter rhythm, and a trained horse amount of leg on, and off he went with a fairly balanced canter. I tried again in case the first time was a fluke, but it was not. Someone taught this horse to canter off of light canter aids! This is even more impressive if you understand that Ricco was not a fan of lunging (he didn't understand why I was chasing him and would get concerned) so I never cantered him on the lunge, so he had no way of understanding vocal commands and had never cantered with a saddle on. This horse keeps surprising me with his seeming pre-understanding of the rules of being ridden.

I also got on little Minx for the first time. She could care less. What a cute little girl. Very deep chest.

Reminder that there are no lessons next Thursday Night, or a week from Saturday due to the next horse show!



Anonymous said...

Can you get those elves working on Edgar? Maybe some third level stuff?

Hillside Stable said...

Edgar would eat the elves.