Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So I have already decided to specialize by only boarding for people without penises who have fully grown brains...but perhaps I should specialize further. I am thinking that perhaps I should be a chestnut only barn. Think about the horses that cause me stress...Mr club foot, mr kicky stall, mr bucky pants., mr put his foot through the gate and stand on it..all non-chestnuts!

Then we can change the barn name to Chestnut Hill!

Sounds like a plan to me.

On another note, I have my first entry for the ride for red show! Some crazy lady with a german sounding horse.



Anonymous said...

Would you still own any horses other than zander, carma, and the babies if you went all chestnut? And lessons would really suffer without Rocket! Plus, it would render the "training wand" useless!


Anonymous said...

Would you still own any horses other than zander, carma, and the babies if you went all chestnut? And lessons would really suffer without Rocket! Plus, it would render the "training wand" useless!


Hillside Stable said...

Rocket, Tango and Sargent all have a chestnut base, so there!

Anonymous said...

The chestnuts are cute...especially the ones with white faces and blonde tails...the most cute is the one with the biggest white face of course! Now, who could that possibly be......

Hillside Stable said...

Yj? ;)