Friday, May 21, 2010

Wet and Windy

That pretty much describes today: Wet and windy.

Amberlea apparently got a lot more rain than we did at Hillside; as I drove up this morning I could see a lot of standing water on the warm-up ring...and still more rain coming.

My first class was at 8:16 in the indoor, with Amanda riding shortly after in the middle show ring. Edgar dealt with the conditions pretty well, but Tango did not trust the warm up ring footing at all, and trotted around like a 30 year old crippled lesson I didn't end up warming her up much...which meant walking around in the cold in my show clothes getting heading into the indoor to compete was a welcome respite from the cold! Tango walked reasonably well past the concession during our warm up lap...but as we approached "F" the bell rang, and Tango did a classic spook, spin and rear. Great. Then she didn't want to leave the ring which we needed to do before we started our test, so I had to let her sit and relax while the seconds ticked by, and finally got her out of the ring, turned around and headed up center line within the time allowed!

The result was a tense test, that I rode conservatively rather than risk another naughty moment, and we did OK, but not none of our marks were spectacular, so we finished with a 58 point something, which put us in 3rd at the end of the day.

Amanda and Edgar were in right after me in the outside ring, so I had to watch some of the test while the steward checked my tack, but I was able to get up to the ring so see the last 1/2 of her training test, and it was quite nice; correct and steady. I believe she got a 60 and a 3rd for that two white ribbons for Hillside to start the day.

Tango's next class was outside. Knowing she hated the warm up, and hearing how hard the rain and wind was coming, I got on only a little before my class...but still managed to be soaked and cold before too long! Tango didn't want to go near the warm up, but we went in for a little trot, and then stood under the clock tower to stay out of the wind while I awaited my turn in the far ring.

In order to get into the far ring, you have to enter near the middle ring...and with perfect timing, just as I needed to enter, a poor scared little Halflinger had a complete panic attack, with its child rider in complete red faced tears. Tango wanted no part in going by that! Fortunately pony calmed down long enough for us to go by (pony scratched from the class much to the relief of the terrified child!).

Tango didn't seem to mind the footing in the outdoor show ring, and she felt brilliant as she trotted in (we got a 7 and an "elegant halt" for our entrance), and then as we turned the corner and did our half circle reverse the wind picked up blowing rain in her face and she had a complete head flipping, breaking into canter tantrum...and then settled back down for the next loop, earning another 7. And that was kind of how the test went; moments of brilliance (8s for our lengthen trots), and moments of wind/rain in her face tantrums where we earned 4s. Still, I think I would rather that kind of test than the playing it safe one I did earlier, so I must remember to take risks! She got a 64 for that test, which put us in 2nd.

Amanda's next test was indoors, and Edgar was again very good, and had a nice, accurate test, for a score of 61 and a red ribbon! Yea Edgar.

So, hopefully the rain lets up for tomorrow, and the warm up ring dries out a bit...but it seems neither Edgar nor Tango need that much of a warm up, so glad they are the two horses we have at the show! And I have my qualifying score for the Freestyle...which is on the one hand a relief, on the other hand now I actually have to do my Freestyle, which has given me a whole new set of nervousness! Hopefully just getting out and doing a few will give me the confidence to not be so nervous, but there is something about putting myself out there "artistically" that makes be shy/nervous!


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Go Karen and Amanda! And Edgar and Tango!

Sounds miserable out there today though...ugh.