Saturday, May 1, 2010


Youtube is good when you are sick.

I seem to have a cold. Perhaps the flu that Natalie had. Not sure. Why is Rob always out of town when I am sick? Smart man...but if he were here he would be making me tea and bringing horses in...the cat isn't nearly as good at either of those things as he is.

So of course, because i am sick, today is hectic. Started ok. Played with little Coco, took Java on a trail ride, lunged a horse...

Also sold both the TB mares today. Natalie bought Secret and took her home, and Shinaya bought Dixie (now named Willow!). Yea!

Then Lana called as she and Ryan were going to haul the new training horse in for me. Apparently Ryan was giving the horse boosters today or something, and so they figured they could haul at the same time...and while they were doing that, they could haul my girls back for me. So had to get a pen ready for my girls. Of course Lana was going to call when they were on there way...but got on a call about a colic and they showed up midway through a lesson while Natalie was busy with something else...

But the girls settled in quickly, and the new training horse (Fonzie...yes, a gelding at last!) also settled in, so back to teaching. Then, someone comes out to try a horse we have for sale...the thing is we hadn't set a time, only loosely mentioned Saturday may be possible. Showing & jumping a horse when I can hardly breath is not my idea of a good plan...but I survived.

Of course the horse we advertised as green and needing to be in a program...was too green for them. Duh. That is why we have her advertised as green. What exactly were they expecting?

Have I mentioned before I lack patience when I am sick?


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