Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Attache's Sugar Daddy

That is Zander's real name. Attache's Sugar Daddy. I think I will stick with Zander. Through an odd twist of fate, it turns out Zander was previously owned by Natalie's cousin, and they hadn't passed his papers to the person we bought him now I have his papers!

Now the trick is to get his papers and Tommy's papers in our names...neither previous owner bothered to transfer the papers.

On another note; Amanda jumped Edgar today! He was amazingly light on his feet. Amanda may need a parachute if she wants to continue to jump him...he got higher and higher with each attempt. We are going to try to make Prix Caprilli an Olympic Event.

And lastly, with this stupid weather, and my stupid cold/flu, I haven't felt like doing much productive once I get in from the barn, and my phlegm filled brain couldn't handle a real book, so Rob suggested I read this Comic collection he bought....Pearls before Swine. I had never heard of it, but it is a great comic strip! Sometimes funny, sometimes insightful, and sometimes a little disturbing. If you haven't heard of it before, here is a link:

Hope you all have a great Thursday!


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