Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So...where is the rain?

I am sure none of you will have enjoyed driving in to work today if it did happen to rain / snow overnight, but we really do need some rain on the ground...larry is complaining of the lack of puddles! Plus, no rain this spring, means not much hay this summer...

Charmer is coming along in training. I have finally switched her over to a bit...she does not appreciate the pretty bridle, and would much rather go back to the halter and rope! When Natalie first came in to video, I was already on Charmer happily wandering around...but as soon as Natalie came in, Charmer was following her like she was her mother duck. (or as Christine T would say, following her tighter than a drum....). She eventually realized I was in fact still in the room, and we continued on our ride.


It is interesting starting a horse at trot. A little less risky than the canter (that is when they are more likely to crow hop), but requires some subtlety. On the one hand you want to be light on their back, on the other hand you want to be secure in the saddle....but you also want to be the least bothersome as possible. This requires a kind of hover sit, to be light, yet secure. Some horses are ok with posting early on, such as Stellar, but Charmer is still finding it a little distracting, although by the end of today she let me post while continuing to trot.

I am very proud of Little Charmer; remember this is only her 18th day at the barn/in training!



Michelle said...

She's not unseating Beamer as the "easiest horse to train ever" is she?!

Thanks to you and Christine on the leads too, looks like I get to go to Regina on Monday! REGINA!! I'm pretty excited, just waiting to hear back from the owners. Between their horses and the Calgary marked-like-Spooky horse, I MUST be able to ride one of them...

Just to reiterate, I HATE HORSE SHOPPING.

Hillside Stable said...

Horse shopping only SOUNDS fun. When you are actually looking you realize just how much it sucks...

Beamer still wins for easiest horse to train, don't worry!
