Thursday, April 15, 2010

The flu....

It seems I could only manage to avoid the flu for so long. Tuesday night I felt ill, but blamed it on riding Tango after eating chicken lasagna. Wednesday I felt fine, but as the day progressed I realized all was not well. Thank goodness for Natalie's help, as yesterday was a busy day with both the vet and farrier out! (Amanda, your passport is ready).

I thought a nap would put me right, and sure enough I was able to teach a couple lessons...but I only made it about 1 minute into my 7pm lesson before I had to abandon ship and go back to the house. I really do not like being physically ill in public, so my timing was good.

Thank you very much to all who helped out last night and fed the horses their hay!

When I went out around 9 to feed grain and rescue the dogs, I could hear Ginger's plaintive woofing : "This Is Not Right! There Are Still DOGS In The Barn! Hello!"

I thought the horses would start to fuss when I came in the barn and turned the lights on...but they were oddly quiet. It is as though they just assumed they weren't getting grain/beet pulp, and that the fact they were was a pleasant surprise that they should not ruin by pawing, kicking or fussing.

Or maybe they new my head was pounding, and that keeping quiet was much better.

Apparently the cure for the flu according to pets is that they must lay right on top of the victim. Thanks Ginger, Kit Kat and Snickers for your rotating attention that kept me awake all night. Maybe they were worried I would lapse into a coma?

Today I am a bit better, but I was really glad I got as many horses as I did ridden yesterday. Trotting on Dexter just about put me over the edge. A walking trail ride with Kokanee, and a little walk/jog outdoor ride with Ebony was more my speed. Worked on "the bridge" with Kok and Ebony, and took pictures of Ebony wandering over the bridge.

Glad the weather is kinder today too. Made it a bit easier to get out of bed, although I did abandon Natalie to clean the barn without me.

I fully blame Debbie for this flu, and have kicked her and her horse out, so Chance will be leaving today!

(just kidding...they planned to leave today all along....but will be back for lessons!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it isn't just the "I don't want to be seen in public with Edgar flu"? I may be starting to come down with it myself!

Glad you are feeling a bit better. My dogs feel that when I am sick they should not only lay on me, but also bring all their stinky toys into the bed then Rusty lays on the pillow right by me head and slurps at her feet. I will be happy to lend her to you!
