Thursday, April 22, 2010

I went to visit Coregel and Piper today. They are now out with an older, Palomino QH mare. Corey and Piper came marching right over when they saw me and were thrilled to be brushed! Corey has almost completely shed out and is a lovely dark chestnut...but not quite liver. Piper is still very fuzzy, but I think she may be the same colour as Corey...which is odd as Coregel was so much more orange last year and over the winter.

The little Palomino just started at me while I tried to brush the two fillies at the same time (they were very demanding), but then started to inch her way over...until she finally wedged herself between the girls fully expecting to be brushed as well! So then I had three horses all demanding to be brushed... but only two arms, so one horse was always left out and pushing on me, or trying to wedge her head in front of me.

It really was very cute and a nice way to spend the afternoon.

There was someone there working their Standardbred on the track which seemed to be of great concern to the kids, so I was trying to convince them to stay close to the track while the sulky went thundering by...but they figured 10 meters away was the closest they were safe. I can't blame them...they FLEW by!
I hope to bring the girls home the next time Rob is in town. I miss them!
Janine sent me this picture of Animal Cruelty:

If it wasn't for the blaze I could see this being Edgar if Amanda was left alone with clippers....


Unknown said...

That looks like a smaller version of Ebony! Just imagine the top of the blaze a little thinner, and they'd be pretty close!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, Edgar wouldn't stand for it!

Whatever you do, don't look at Dexter!
