Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A skill testing day...

I had some errands to run today, one of which included renewing my driver's license...because I would have hated to get that done before the very last moment. So along with ID, the lady asked some questions designed to test if I was who I said I was. Now really, questions meant to make sure I am me, should not be hard for me to answer...but they were! I even started to doubt myself! "What work number do we have for you?" (I can't even remember where I was working 5 years ago, much less what phone number! Jencess maybe?) "What Registry would you have last renewed your license?" (Seriously?)

What happened to the standard "What is your mother's maiden name". I finally passed with questions regarding my former car. Phew. I am who I say I am after all....good to know.

Then, a little later, as I stepped out of the bank, I saw a new Frozen Yogurt shop. Frozen Yogurt sounded good for a hot afternoon, and I figured it would limit my silly snack purchases when grocery shopping later, so I headed over.

There were two people sitting down, but no staff present at first glance. Then I noticed a big sign at the back explaining how it works; you get a bowl, server yourself the frozen yogurt, add any toppings, then weigh it all, and pay accordingly. For some reason the self serve caused me some anxiety, but I really wanted the frozen yogurt, so I headed to the back for a bowl, and the yogurt machines. I browsed the selections. Caramel something or other, Green Tea, and a few others that didn't catch my fancy. By then the last machine had Bubblegum, Blueberry, and Pomegranate. Blueberry and Pomegranate sounded like a nice mix, so I headed to that machine.

Now the labels were such that Bubblegum was on the top left, Blueberry on the top right, with pomegranate listed just below Blueberry. So in my mind, that meant that Bubblegum must be in the far left spigot, and then the other two in the middle and right hand spigots. As I was after a mix, it didn't seem to matter enough to wait for staff to wander out to clarify, so I went ahead and started to pour the flavour that was in the far right spigot. This appeared to be Pomegranate. Goody. So I stopped it at the halfway point, and went for the middle spigot, expecting blueberry....hmmm....should blueberry really be bright pink?

For the record, Pomegranate topped with Bubblegum is not a good flavour combo.

I made up for it though, by getting myself a Tortoise Cheesecake for my birthday. Yes, I am a sad person who buys my own Birthday cake. Well...that way I don't have to share it! So much for the frozen yogurt curbing my grocery purchases though. (I think the grocery check out clerk thought I was all of 19 or something the way she condescendingly called me sweety and kept asking if I needed help or more bags).


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