Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fun with numbers for Tuesday

12: The number of horses I got on today
9: The number of horses other people rode today
8: The number of emails I got that weren't "junk"
7: The number of horses that were neglected by their owners today.
6: The number of horses ridden "bitless" today.
5: The number of times a certain bay horse kicked his stall before I tied him up until hay time.
4: The number of different saddles I rode in today.
3: The number of horses that did something new today (Charmer trotted with me on her, Coco walked with me on her, and Dixie and I jumped for the first time).
2: The number of apples Rocket got (which is also the number of times he pooed in the arena...coincidence?)
1: The number of phone calls I got today that weren't Rob (which is a very low number for me!)


Anonymous said...

:( .... and a certain bay horse was doing so well lately :(

I am sure it was probably just stretching, but the wall was in the way...........

You are crazy to ride 12 horses in a day! I think your butt will hate you tomorrow!


Hillside Stable said...

My butt was fine...but my arms made their protests when the hay guy showed up (unnannounced) today and I had to help unload 297 bales of hay! Lunging young, untrained horses without a round pen + helping with the strangles vaccine = arm torture as it is!

I am going to be so darn fit for that May show that Tango's sitting trot will feel like nothing!