Monday, February 8, 2010

Snack crisis resolved!

I have found new snacks to satisfy my hunger! Slightly healthier...but definately not as cheap.

1) Arrowroot cookies! How could I forget them? Dipped in tea, or layered with cheese...
2) Cheese! I bought this little probiotic cheese things, and they are yummy. I also like Baby Bell...but not cheap!
3) Milk to Gos. On sale!
4) Soup at long as I ignor the sodium content I am fine.
5) Precut/washed Mango spears! So yummy!
6) Tuna snack packs
7) Pizza bred

And so my weaning off corn syrup begins...

And thanks for the brownies Laura!



Anonymous said...

Brim over I agree but I think the post should secure more info then it has.

Laura said...

You are so welcome! We thought you may need some chocolate therapy! :)