Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy weekend!

What a busy weekend this was!

On Saturday the lady who tried out Rosa previously came back for a second ride, so Rosa has a new owner! She will be leaving to her new home next weekend. I think it is a good match; this women has experience with arabs and will be moving her to an arab barn. She is planning to train dressage with her and was busy buying her new tack already!

Then it was the wedding. We did take pictures, but those will have to wait until I have more energy! Rob's idea to have a car take us to and from the wedding was great and felt decadent.

The wedding went smoothly and quickly....well, other than the justice of the peace who. spoke. very. de. lib. er. ate. ly. It was a nice ceremony...well the part I listened too before I started to day dream....oops!

The speeches and slide show were particularly well put together and entertaining.

Rob and I were sat with two people from my past; Gillian who used to clean stalls with me at Sunrise, and Rodney who was a trainer there, and who is now a very successful hunter/jumper trainer in Calgary. It was great catching up on their lives, as well as recalling people from our mutual pasts. Gillian and Rodney are both very down to earth and entertaining people, and it was nice to see them again. Hopefully I convinced Gillian to come riding as she hasn't ridden since her younger days!

Then today, after morning chores, I went to Colchester to judge their lesson horse show. The show ran smoothly and was lots of fun. The most common mistake was riders using too much inside rein, and the horse circling out of the next jump. It was nice to see the good sportsmanship exhibited by all the participants, regardless of how they did. The lack of indoor plumbing was a bit of an issue for outhouses for me in the winter!


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