Sunday, February 7, 2010

Looking ones age...

I often get comments about how young I am to be training/running a barn, or how I have so much knowledge for someone so young. It makes me wonder if sometimes my young look might make people take me less seriously. So what is it about me that makes me seem younger? Is it that I dress like a grubby barn kid? That could be it...but how else should I dress in the barn? perhaps I actually should be paying for hair cuts? Make up? Grey Hair? Take up smoking to get more wrinkles?

How should someone in their mid to upper 30's look to look their age? How should I dress?

I also need some outfit advice for this weekend...I have a wedding to go to, and I have no idea what to wear! My casual/funnish dresses are too summery and I would likely be cold. I have considered trying to find a jacket to go with one, but that is tricky and beyond my limited fashion skills. I do like the idea of a dress/skirt with a jacket though... (oddly when I went to type "dress", my fingers automatically typed "age" at the end....horses and riding is always on my subconscious!)

Relating to that, anyone want to help in the barn next weekend? Afternoon and evening chores on Saturday, and possibly afternoon chores on Sunday?

Oh, there is also a lists of horses on the white board in the barn; this is all the horses eligible for the winter free deworming with Exodus. If you want to deworm your own horse, that is fine, just let me know...but all the long term boarded horses HAVE to be dewormed in Feb with the same dewormer OR something else that our vet approves of. I plan on getting them all dewormed over the next 2 weeks.



Concerned said...

For the wedding how about just breeches and jump coat? Helmut optional. Robert will be dashing as usual!

Still not sure why you would want to look older when it's a multi billion dollar industry trying to look younger... try putting initals behind your name like BSc (Barn shit cleaner) or PHd(Pretty Horse Director), DNRC (Dexter's new ruling class) or you could just draw in wrinkles with makeup, wear a pointy hat, and carry cats with you in your pockets... if all else fails just have paige with you all the time as everything is relative...

Anonymous said...

Le chateau int he sherwood park mall is a good store,they have EVERYTHING there. i find a pencil skirt with a blouse, and a jacket looks nice. Good luck!


Hillside Stable said...

is Concerned, Concerned that I am considering spending money on new clothes perhaps? :)

I do like the cat idea though...but I think I will save that for my 50s.

Paige, I am pretty sure that Le Chateau is for a younger generation...I don't even understand most of their clothes!Why isn't there a store called "30 something"?

Anonymous said...

Since you are tall and thin, your best bet would be knee length and flowy, maybe a nice red or dark green with a matching little shrug or something?

something like this (but not strapless cuz your too old for that ha ha)

Or this:

Bryan's or Ricki's is a good place for us older gals!


Hillside Stable said...

I think you are forgetting i lack boobies!

Anonymous said...

You can buy fake ones at La Senza!! They are gel, and fit right into your bra...

And you don't need boobies anyways, you will be wearing a jacket/shrug.....


Jessie said...

All I know is that I'm the last person to ask about how to look older. People usually underestimate my age by up to ten years.