Friday, February 5, 2010

Brrrr....cold wind tonight. And what is with all the humidity and frost this winter? Ok, I vastly prefer this to 20 below or colder, but I miss the "but its a dry cold" thing!

Rob and I went to get running shoes today at the running room. It was my first time at Millenium Place, and what I mad house! I forget it was Teacher's convention and kids were everywhere! I saw a bit of myself in the sales lady...she admitted she was not a multitasker and fact that there were more than 3 customers in the store had her clearly overwhelmed. Still, she took the time to "assess" Rob and I. This assessment involved seeing how we stood, and then watching us walk across the wet/dirty floor in our socks and later in trial shoes. Walking is something I don't often really put thought into, but as soon as someone is watching it is suddenly the most complicated thing!

Apparently I put a lot of weight down on my heels and rock to the outside of my foot a bit which I guess is why running gives me shin splints and sore knees. Unfortunately they didn't have anything nearly narrow enough for my oddly shaped feet, so I couldn't buy any runners today. (I tried on one pair that would have droven Ginger crazy as it had craze shiney stripes that she would have bit is good those didn't fit!).

Rob got a nice pair of runners though, and the sales lady gave me a shoe model number and size to try to find at Sports Check or similar, so next week I can start calling around for the magic running shoe.

Dexter's new Merino Wool saddle pad came today too. It is a full dressage pad with the the sheepskin sewn right in on either side of the spine. I love the way it fits off his withers and spine! Not the most attractive dressage pad though, so if Dexter seems to go well in it, I will have to see if they make a nicer looking pad for showing. You can kind of feel how the saddle can move a bit on the pad without moving his hair. Hard to explain, but I have to think that would feel better for the horse?


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