Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Well Ginger's new squeaky toy lasted one week. It had a good run, and the squeaker was starting to get a little annoying, but I was still hoping it would last longer as she is so happy to have a toy!

In her defence, it was not that she destroyed it; it has just gone missing. Ordinarily I would think was that she headed out back with it and dropped it to investigate something else, but in this instance I think she is blameless. Instead I blame our mischievous fox for taking it. The timing is just too perfect. Same day I notice the toy missing, the cell phone that Rob dropped/lost reappeared. And where did it reappear? In Dexter's pen in plain sight. There is no way it was laying there for over a month! If the fox took the cell phone it explains why we couldn't find it even with the metal detector...and it also explains why its fabric case is missing. My theory is that the fox exchanged the cell phone for the ball.

The fox has chewed up and stolen Jolly balls too. As long as it leaves the cats and duck alone I am ok with that though!


Anonymous said...

If Rob checks his phone and there are a bunch of 1-900-FOXYHOT phone calls, then there will be no doubt that the fox did it!!!
Fox, the most perverted of all woodland creatures....


Anonymous said...

Ginger and I played with the green squeeky toy on Wednesday evening. Near the outdoor riding ring. She loved it.
