Thursday, September 9, 2010

It is fun watching someone ride a new horse when you are used to seeing them ride a horse of a different type.

Thursday night had Clare riding YJ...the first jump was a bit of a wake up call for her, but it definately got better as it went...he is just a little more enthusiastic than Sunny was, but a little less accomidating of rider foibles, and a little less adjustable.

Then Nicole rode Edgar. I have video. Edgar seemed pretty happy to have the freedom that comes with Jumping and it went pretty well. I am curious if Nicole can walk tomorrow.

I jumped Carma again today. Second try. She really does like jumping. It helps her keep her focus and she is much more settled with a jump in front of her than just hacking around. She was able to canter a little cross pole course without much difficulty at all. She is pretty fun to jump, and despite the fact she is only 15.2, I don't feel tall on her at all.

For next week in lessons (jumping lessons anyway) I think we might work on landing leads...with failed attempts resulting in payment of a $1.00. I figure this will help me pay Coregel's vet bills...err...I mean, motivate riders to try harder.



Christine K said...

I say Nicole in art today, she can walk, but she says she's really sore =P

Anonymous said...

I say if she could walk after just tacking him up, she should get a gold star! But she did that AND rode him too! Time for a gold medal! Well done!


Hillside Stable said...

I think she said I owed her gum for making her jump him 2'9". Perhaps it will need to be laced with anti-inflamatories...