Monday, September 27, 2010

No, I am not having an affair, Rob just has another new work truck. It is cool. The blue truck is jealous. The Caddy is feeling neglected.

This week in lessons we are working on transitions. Better transitions that come from behind and result in balanced gaits. Jump riders will also be working on flying lead changes.

Enjoy the weather this week!



Michelle said...

if Warrior ever has 2 sound days in a row, he has flying lead changes...

Hillside Stable said...

I can see him having literally flying lead changes if a plastic bag should blow across the ring...

I wonder what he will think if he is still here when the duck comes back?

Michelle said...

Remember, this horse will walk by farm machinery and ATVs without blinking. Children have literally hung off him. He has been clambered onto by two children at once...

He will probably try to curl up in a nest with the duck or something. But dear god, the park bench my neighbors have in the woods out back...NOT THE BENCH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

I think it may make for a much juicier blog if you said you were having an affair. With Javier, the pool boy. It sure hss been tough convincing Rob that the dugout needs regular maintainance, but you keep coming up with all sorts of important environmental reasons... of course, then everyone would know about it, which might make you look bad.

Decisions decisions.
