Thursday, August 5, 2010

So I was out looking at a horse today and saw some Cattalo. Any guesses what that would be? It is a buffalo crossed with cattle that looks mostly like a Bison. These guys (gals?) looked just like bison/buffalo, but had big white blazes, and one had a big belly splash of white! Pinto buffalo! How frightening would that be to encounter while trail riding...

On another note, I am putting together the fall lesson schedule, so please come talk to me about when you would like to ride. I am considering doing some dressage lessons Sunday mornings if there is enough interest. I so much prefer doing dressage with no jumps in the arena!

Hope you are all having a great summer and aren't being overly sucked dry by the insects!



Anonymous said...

Cattalo!!! Those were all the rage about 20 years ago only then they called them Beefalo. Cattalo is much nicer Beefalo is a real blunt way of saying what they are all headed for!! HAHAHA!!

I may be interested in a Sunday morning lesson, that would be fun and Claude could occasionally video me! LUCKY Claude!!! HAHA!


Anonymous said...

I would do a Sunday am as well! Lord knows how well things go when Christine and I ride together! Maybe if it is not a Saturday... Then Claude can video me too! He IS lucky!

As fo the Cattalo, that would make an awesome guard pet/lawnmower plus a great pas de deux partner for Eddie!


Anonymous said...

If Brax doesn't work out I think my next mount will be a Cattalo!! Then if it doesn't work out I can eat him and it will still feel like I got my moneys worth! If it does work out then I can do a pas de deux with Edgar! WIN WIN WIN!!!


Anonymous said...

I will help you eat him! MMMMMMM...Cattalo! Even if he does work out, lets do a pas de deux then serve him at the bbq!


Anonymous said...

Poor Cattalo!! Good job buddy! Let's celebrate our success with a big bbq!! Just bring yourself, we'll take care of the rest!!!! HAHAHA!!


Hillside Stable said...

At least with a Cattalo we won't have to worry about Christine giving it a bad hair cut...or wait...maybe they do have a forelock....

Let me know what time you would like to ride on Sundays...11? 10:30? 11:30? 9:30?

Anonymous said...

How about 6:00am?

9:30? Are you nuts???? 10:30 or 11:00......Christine? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

10:30am sounds about right for me! Sometimes Sunday is the only day of the week I get to sleep in, so I don't want it to be too early!

Although, if all goes well in the next couple of weeks, I may not have a horse to ride, so it all may not matter anyways! Unless Amanda and I start doubling on Edgar. Then when Amanda's legs get tired I can keep kicking...
