Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Yesterday was a crazy day, which landed me with one heck of a migraine last night.

Random drop in wanted me to show her two horses that are for sale. Seemed like a nice lady, so I lunged the two, but I had already ridden the one, and the other one had a try out later in the day, and it seemed unfair to that person to have the horse already ridden. I don't know why random drop ins irritate me, but they do. I like to keep a schedule.

Had someone come try a horse that greatly exaggerated the riding skills. Very glad I had horsey on a rope for the trot. Wrecked my shoulder, so off to physio in a bit to get that fixed up. Nice lady, has the right idea regarding needing more training, and likely will be fine with the horse, I just wish she had been a little more accurate on her self assessment as she could have been very hurt and horsey could have been very traumatized. Selling green horses is nerve wracking.
Lack of right arm use meant I decided to take it a little easy today. Rode the easy little Morgan Sparkie, and Lily who doesn't know how to pull, and took Dexter on a long trail ride. We saw a Snake! Well, I did. Dexter was too busy staring at something I couldn't see in the distance. Odd things seem interesting to him, yet things I think are scary barely register to him.
At the show it drove me crazy how some people dealt with their horse not wanting to go in the arena. It is pretty spooky to go from the bright outdoors, to the darker indoors, with the little step down and all sorts of funny noises. I don't think anyone should be upset by their horse wanting to have time to take it in. Most people were good. Let their horse look a little and then asked again to go in. A few had someone lead them in, and I led a few in.

But then there were the couple people who would be sitting there on a half asleep horse, hear me tell them they can go in...and suddenly start spurring the cr@p out of their half asleep horse! I thought one was going to go over backwards on the cement it was so shocked. Not sure the logic of inducing pain and trauma to help a horse overcome a very reasonable fear...

I was also not to sure about the two limpy horses in the ring. The one, not a big deal; the girl didn't have a coach and the limp wasn't huge. The other did have a coach though and the limp was VERY obvious even at the walk. I wonder what the judge did with that test? Poor horsie.



Anonymous said...

Sort of limpy was removed for being lame. Crippled continued to compete, and nothing was said to her. :(

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about your shoulder!

Here, a new lesson horse to cheer you up. Please buy her, I have been watching her price go down. WANT. She can live at my house all winter and I can crash test her for you. I spent all my money on the red horse.


Hillside Stable said...

Yes, that would make a great lesson horse...untrained 4 year old. I can bill for students to be crash test dummies on her! Oh wait...for a minute there I thought I was a coach at a certain other barn...darn it, I actually use trained horses....