Monday, October 12, 2009


Either I have been raking the arena in my sleep or Amanda once again did it for me...thanks Amanda!

Rob and I went for Turkey dinner last night at my parents house. Our traditional Thanksgiving dinner means Turkey with stuffing, gravy, cranberries, mashed potatoes, Yams with Apricots and Pecans (YUMMY), buns, green beans and the dreaded mini cabbage looking things whose name escapes me right now.

I like to coat half my turkey in the sauce from the Yams and the other half in cranberries.

Mike and Ginger came along and were very well behaved earning them some Turkey. I completely forgot to bring some home for the cats though!

Things to be Thankful for this year:
My Dad's health seems to be improving and hopefully the doctors have come up with a solution. Mom is still doing great. Robs parents are doing well too, and their health seems improved from last year. I am thankful for a great bunch of boarders, lesson students and friends. I am thankful for my horses and for having a warm place to ride them this winter. I am thankful for the outdoor arena and for how many days we were able to use it this year! I am thankful for having a husband who likes the horses and is skilled and motivated to build things like an indoor arena and to repair the shelters and fencing the wind (and the horses) seems determined to destroy.


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