Monday, August 31, 2009

So, how did the first day of school go? How hard was it to get out of bed? How hot were the classrooms?

As hard as it is to go back to school after the summer off, it is even harder not to ever have summers off...which is what you have to look forward to once you are done school.

I am curious as to how many kids take bag lunches to school now days, vs skipping lunch or buying lunch at school. Making a bag lunch for someone else has to be one of the more thankless jobs in the world. It is hard to come up with healthy food that will be eaten and not trashes, and that will still taste good by the time it is consumed. I usually make Rob's lunch the night before, and it is hard to forecast just what he will feel like eating 14 hours later.

When I was a kid, my lunches were pretty much the same: one sandwich, one fruit, a juice box, and 2 cookies. The sandwiches were usually peanut butter and jam, or peanut butter and honey. Sometimes there would be veggies instead of fruit, or granola bars instead of cookies, but the lunch was pretty standard. I cannot imagine not having been able to have peanut butter in my lunches and I still live on the stuff! I liked the sandwiches and the cookies, but wasn't always grateful for the fruit. I was often jealous of me classmates with their bags of chips and candy, and possibly a can of pop, but maybe that explains why I am thin and so many of them were not... Anyway, thanks mom for all the yummy school lunches, and sorry for the apples that sometimes ended up rotting at the bottom of my locker...


New horse came yesterday for training: Pilgrim. He is a 7 year old QH gelding here to be started under saddle. His eventual career will be that of barrel racer! An interesting side note about Pilgrim is that I used to ride his dad a bit! His dad was a very easy to ride hunter, who competed at QH shows and on the "A" Circuit. Pilgrim looks nothing like him though, and appears to take much more after his mom who has strong working cow horse bloodlines...Pilgrim is BUILT. He is almost as wide as Gjelt!

Pilgrim can be nervous around new people so it will be good for him to get used to the comings and goings at Hillside.


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