Thursday, August 6, 2009

So back to the drawing board for a name for the filly...nothing seems to fit when I actually go to use it...well, except for Riva, but Rob veto'd that.

Any opinions on the name "Karma"?

Amanda was discussing about the learning techniques she is learning at her new teaching job, and I was trying to think if I could make use of the school's policies. I have decided not to go with the no criticism/judging route, but I thought the learning circle may work, so from now on, if you want to voice your opinion during lessons, you have to hold the sacred learning circle icon...aka a big pink pool noodle. I will be videoing.

I am working on the Fall Lesson schedule right now. I think I want to only teach 3 hours a day this fall: 5-8 on Mondays, 5:30-8:30 on Tuesday, 6-9 Wednesday and Thursday, and 10-1 on Sunday. I may be willing to teach during the day one day a week if there is enough demand.

It also looks like indoor board is spoken for now; I am just awaiting some deposits to reserve spots. I am going to be using the feed/blanket stall this winter too, so I will be working on creating an area for these items to be stored conviniently to allow this stall to be used. I will be keeping Dexter inside this winter, but his stall will be available in case of emergencies.



Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, so you are going to criticize and judge, but if someone is not holding the pool noodle they cannot defend themselves.....but if the pool noodle is held they will be madly galloping around in terror, unable to speak....You should make a rule that there is no getting off the horse to get the pool noodle.
I may have to teach on horseback....


Unknown said...

I think Karma is a fun name; so many jokes and puns could be used. "It's funny how Karma can turn around and kick you in the a$$". Haha. I like it.