Friday, July 31, 2009


Cats are odd creatures who really seem to think the world and all that is on it, is meant for them. All we do is for them. New furniture? Theirs. Food? Theirs. Toys, sunny spots, people sitting idly? All there for the cats. And the odd thing is we let them. We will sit somewhere less comfortable so as to not disturb the cat. We will pet them while they impale us with their claws in "thanks".

I wish I was a cat sometimes. Athletic, graceful and can sleep pretty much anywhere.

Milo last night was acting like the outdoor ring was his play pen and was oblivious to the horses he was spooking or cutting in front of, and he was quite distracting for Jerry as he paraded along the top of the fence. I think he was just trying to convince me to go back to the barn and feed him. Cats have strange ways to get their point across.

Anyway, Rob sent me this link about a cat who seems to have a UK bus service catering to him;


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