Monday, July 13, 2009


The internet here has been incredibly sloooowwwww for the past few days. Not the best timing as I still would like to find a better song for the last trot section of the Freestyle I am supposed to do on Saturday. It is WAY harder than I thought to come up with a Freestyle; first to get all the required moves in, then to make sure it is within the min and max time allowed, and then to find music...and I am not even being that picky; there is no way I am worrying about actually matching it to his foot steps I am more just going for mood. Once I have the music together I need to memorize to timing of it, so my movements actually go with the music. Maybe I should have worked on this soon? This also means listening to the same song over and over and over and over...thank goodness it is only instumental so not so easy to get stuck in my head.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still say use some Michael Jackson...maybe Thriller? You could have zombie horse backup dancers...
