Monday, June 6, 2011

So what happenned to all the forcast rain?!? It sure didn't make it out this way other than for maybe 5 minute cloud bursts, and boy, do we need rain!

This week in dressage lessons I am hoping to be outside, and I want to work on lengthening at canter and trot. It is important to understand that lengthening is not rushing or speeding up, but rather it is asking the horse to reach farther forward with its stride, which requires the horse to stretch out through its back and neck. The rider must stay up to help the horse maintain its balance.

We are also going to do some leg yield work; while keeping the horse straight we are going to see how far down the track we have to go, in order to go 10 meters to the side. In First level test 2 and 3, you have 24 meters to go 10 meters across...which is tighter than it sounds!

In jumping this week we are going to jump some boxes and fill and work on a simple course...if we are outside. If we are inside we will work through a grid and practice different releases and the whys behind them.


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