Monday, October 18, 2010

The Story of Mike

As some of you may have noticed, our old dog Mike isn't doing so well. He has been having trouble lately with his breathing and isn't responding all that well to the medication, so it seems likely that this will be his last week with us; hopefully enjoying a sunny fall week.

Mike came into Rob and my life in December of 2002. We had just moved to our farm, and decided we needed a farm dog. Rob wanted something big...I wanted something that weighed less than I did! We opted to go to the SPCA to look. Rob looked in the cages, while I just read the notes on top, trying not to look at the wishful eyes starting out of each cage. I wanted a dog that didn't come with warning labels. At the very end of the row, there was Mike. No warning labels, and sitting oddly quietly while the other dogs barked like mad (Rob says he saw him barking, but I did not).

So we had them take him out, and we visited with him in the little room for that purpose. I think we may have taken him for a walk too. Poor guy had been in the SPCA for 6 months, and had been there before....we were his 4th adoption (yes, that had me a little worried). His lacked muscle and was definitely ready to be out of there.

Back at the farm he was in heaven! Running like a crazy man (and quickly learning that horses do NOT like to have their bum sniffed!)

He also didn't take long to convince Rob that my "no dogs on the bed" rule was unjustified.

And he has been a good companion ever since...

Well aside from the many brushes with porcupines, and habit of going through garbages when left along in the house...that was always lovely to come home to...I think Rob would stay late at work just to make sure I was the first one back!

But he has been good with our many visitors; human, equine and canine, and a good friend to our various cats (our now deceased cat Henry would climb on Mike to get onto the bed when he was a kitten...). And how many dogs would accept a duck sleeping in their bed?

I am sure Mike's favourite memories include trips in the Blue Truck...particularly those to the farm in Mundare or to family dinners involving Turkey!

He also did a great job of training Ginger.
When the time comes to say goodbye, it will be hard. He has been a part of this place as much as anyone or anything.

1 comment:

Lindsey MacNeil said...

I am crying in reading this, I am so sorry Karen. He is an amazing comfort and a fantastic friend.