Monday, October 4, 2010

Rob has been wanting me to get a car for a while now. Something I can take grocery shopping or drive back and forth to shows that is not the big blue truck. Although I could agree that the big blue truck was a PITA to park, and more expensive to run/maintain than a decent car, I loathed the idea of spending money on something non-horse related, and Rob wanted to buy new so that we knew the car's history. But last week my parents called explaining that they were upgrading their CRV and asked if I would like to buy the old one. I left the decision more or less up to Rob, and so now I have a dark green CRV to drive. It is a sensible vehicle with room in the back for tack, feed, or dogs. It is clean and AWD. And it only requires one parking stall unlike the big blue truck.

So they brought it out to the farm yesterday and my dad showed me all its buttons. Today Rob scrambled to get the insurance and plates, and by 11am I had a car to drive! Its first trip was to take Mike to the vets. Rob came with me to help get him in and out of the CRV, but then had to head back to work. Mike's breathing as been laboured lately and he is not comfortable. Vet did some checking and some x-rays and has prescribed some antibiotics to see if they help. So then it was time to go home. I unlocked the CRV and opening the door...HONK HONK HONK...WTF? Hit some buttons on the key fob to shut it up, and assumed I had accidentally hit the Panic tried again; HONK HONK HONK (which is car speak for; look at the stupid girl who doesn't even know how to get into her car!).

Frick. Called my mom. Apparently for all they showed me yesterday, they left out one key bit of information; if you lock the door with the key fob, you must unlock it with the key fob and not the key. That would have been nice to know...


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